Thursday, May 26, 2011

A day in the life of an entrepreneur

Hey bloggers!

I thought I’d take a break from my usual blogs and share a bit of my day with you. It’s Thursday 26th May and I am sitting at my computer, at home, working in my pyjamas. It is a real novelty being able to do this, and I’m so grateful my business gives me such freedom. Of course I’m not always a sloth roaming around the house in PJ’s on a thursday, but it’s an opportunity I am taking full advantage of today!

So my challenge for you today is do whatever you can to make what you are doing fun. Be creative, light & good to yourself!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Getting Clear

Today I had a man standing behind me waiting to order in a cafe. He changed a note while he was there and told the lady exactly what amounts he wanted his change in, to the very last cent! I said to him that he was very thorough, and he replied 'You've gotta be clear on what you want'. And I was cheering inside when he said these words to me!

It is very true, we have to be clear on what it is we want, because if we aren't we will be sending out mixed messages and won't create what we truly want. Here are some hints & strategies I've implemented in business and life that have helped me build success:

1. Writing your desire down: Whether this is writing a list of the things you want, setting intentions for the day, or journaling a story to yourself about the success you want, all of these methods focus upon what you want in a direct way. Being able to uncover these specific details breaks down boundaries and gives attention to how this can be created.

2. Letting go of the past: I say this because I have found it is easy to let past failures and limitations still effect us in the present. But here is the secret... They are past experiences that hold no power over the moment unless we choose it! Even if you don't believe that what you want is possible right now, start focusing on it anyway. I dare you to try this for the next week and see the results unfold. Yes, I had been very good at this before as well, but after uncovering the power of this principle I had to rethink some concepts I'd been holding onto.

3. Setting yourself goals: Ok, I'll admit this one sounds boring... but is really important! Goals help track progress and, if set correctly, can fill in the rungs on the ladder in how to get to where we want to be.

4. Put yourself in a state of being: Let yourself experience the joy of what you want now. This can be in many forms such as visualising having what you want, going out and test driving the car, rewarding the evidence that comes indicating you're on the right track. Being ready to accept what you want into your life at every moment brings it closer to you quicker!

A final note from Anthony Robbins on focus "Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives".